Owlerton Stadium Long-Service Awards and Not a Carriage Clock in Sight!

Reading Time: 3 mins

Team Owlerton are delighted to celebrate with some of the Stadium’s most recognisable faces, albeit at a distance! We are privileged to work in a team brimming with long-service stars – a wealth of knowledge and experience which keeps the Stadium running smoothly every day.

This year we honour the dedication and tireless hard work of no less than four of Team Owlerton’s employees, who join the long-service ranks. Many of our loyal customers will know the faces of our team well; we are proud to have some of the most dedicated employees and customers imaginable.

Team Owlerton Long-Service Stars

Presenting this year’s long-service award gifts is Matt Hamilton, General Manager at the Stadium. Gone are the days of the obligatory Carriage Clock presentation; our employees get to choose their own gift for the mantel piece!

Owlerton Stadium Long-Service Awards and Not a Carriage Clock in Sight! longservicaward2While we don’t want to make anyone blush, we would like to share a little bit of history on this year’s long-service stars:

10 Years of Service

Janet Wattam (pictured front left)

Janet has worked on table betting service for 10 years and, as the face of Tote at Owlerton, has become an important member of this team. As Owlerton Stadium regulars will know, Janet is always pleasant and polite, with a warm and friendly smile for all her customers and colleagues.

10 Years of Service

Vanessa Glasby (pictured front right)

Vanessa has been with Team Owlerton for 10 years. During this time, Vanessa has worked in all the bars at the Stadium and helps with cleaning, to help deliver that wow factor for our customers. Vanessa is one of the most reliable members of staff anyone would wish for – always happy to work any shift, at short notice. We cannot think of a single day when Vanessa has not been able to come into work! Vanessa’s dedication is mirrored in her partner, who also completed 10 years with Owlerton Stadium last year.

20 Years of Service

Dan Holland (pictured back right)

Dan started his career at Owlerton Stadium as a glass collector and has since worked his way through the ranks. In 2018 Dan became Bar Manager – proof of his unwavering dedication and hard work. Bar Manager role in any busines involves a long working day, but Dan always manages to balance his family commitments and work responsibilities perfectly, with absolute dedication to his role.

20 Years of Service

Nick Midddleton (hiding under the table!)

Nick is a long-service star who has worked his way up from Pot Washer to Catering Manager – testament to what hard work and dedication can achieve. Nick’s dedication to his work is such, that many of us in Team Owlerton were convinced he lived at the Stadium! Nick has provided fantastic support to his staff and wholehearted commitment to his role.

Hard Work and Dedication

“All four fully deserve the recognition for their hard work and dedication to Owlerton Stadium over the years and are a pleasure to know and work with,” Richard Allsop, Assistant General Manager.

We get to see the results of our team’s passion and love of Owlerton Stadium, every day, and are always grateful to work with dedicated colleagues. We would love to have celebrated these awards in true Owlerton style but that will just have to wait until we can all safely have a good knees up together!

We would like to wish Janet, Vanessa, Dan and Nick, congratulations and our unending thanks for your devotion to Owlerton Stadium.

Here’s to another 10 years!

Sunday 5th January- Todays meeting has been cancelled in the interest of safety. If you have a booking, our team will be in touch shortly.
Sorry for any inconvenience.